5. The personal pronouns are: mi, I; vi, thou, you; li, he; ŝi, she; ĝi, it; si, "self"; ni, "we"; ili, "they"; oni, "one", "people", (French "on").
Possessive pronouns are formed by suffixing to the required personal the adjectival termination. The declension of the pronouns is identical with that of substantives. E. g. mi, "I"; mi'n, "me" (obj.); mi'a, "my", "mine".
6. The verb does not change its form for numbers or persons, e. g. mi far'as, "I do"; la patr'o far'as, "the father does"; ili far'as, "they do".
a) The present tense ends in as, e. g. mi far'as, "I do".
b) The past tense ends in is, e. g. li far'is, "he did".
c) The future tense ends in os, e. g. ili far'os, "they will do".
ĉ) The subjunctive mood ends in us, e. g. ŝi far'us, "she may do".
d) The imperative mood ends in u, e. g. ni far'u "let us do".
e) The infinitive mood ends in i, e. g. fari, "to do".
There are two forms of the participle in the international language, the changeable or adjectival, and the unchangeable or adverbial.
f) The present participle active ends in ant, e. g. far'ant'a, "he who is doing"; far'ant'e, "doing".
g) The past participle active ends in int, e. g. far'int'a, "he who has done"; far'int'e, "having done".
ĝ) The future participle active ends in ont, e. g. far'ont'a, "he who will do"; far'ont'e, "about to do".