Kontribuoj de la uzanto Davidgothberg
Por Davidgothberg diskuto protokolo de forbaroj alŝutoj protokoloj global block log tutvikiaj uzantokontoj protokolo pri misuzado
Uzanto kun 0 redaktoj. Konto kreita je 13 dec. 2017.
12 feb. 2010
- 17:2817:28, 12 feb. 2010 malsamoj historio +233 Ŝablono:Documentation Cleaning away debug code that I don't use anymore.
11 feb. 2010
- 18:1018:10, 11 feb. 2010 malsamoj historio −32 Ŝablono:Documentation Calling /core2 for more parameter preprocessing, it in turn calls /core. Since adding smarter namespace handling, and stuff for debug-reporting to a category. See talk, "Subject space vs talk space".
9 feb. 2010
- 23:1923:19, 9 feb. 2010 malsamoj historio +62 Ŝablono:Documentation Adding the "link box = off" parameter.
6 feb. 2010
- 04:0304:03, 6 feb. 2010 malsamoj historio −1 083 Ŝablono:Documentation Now uses /core. Doc links now in a box below the main doc box. Link /sandbox and /testcases also when they don't exist, with (create) links with preload. See talkpage, section "Documentation/links".
19 jan. 2010
- 14:1014:10, 19 jan. 2010 malsamoj historio +183 Ŝablono:Documentation Adding automatic adding of {{template sandbox notice}} when on a /sandbox page. See talkpage section "Request".
3 jan. 2010
- 08:2508:25, 3 jan. 2010 malsamoj historio +2 Ŝablono:Documentation Added a newline inside the comment, to make the code more readable (especially in lower screen resolutions).
- 06:5106:51, 3 jan. 2010 malsamoj historio +317 Ŝablono:Documentation Adding automatic adding of {{pp-template}} to protected templates. See talk page.
3 nov. 2009
- 01:2301:23, 3 nov. 2009 malsamoj historio −6 Ŝablono:Documentation Removing "link=" added by TheDJ. That image is not public domain, it is a GFDL image and thus requires attribution and thus have to be linked. Besides, this template is never used in articles.
18 mar. 2009
- 01:0901:09, 18 mar. 2009 malsamoj historio +1 Ŝablono:Documentation Adding a space between [edit] and [purge], as in the /sandbox example by Thinboy00. Looks much better.
17 okt. 2008
- 07:2607:26, 17 okt. 2008 malsamoj historio +33 Ŝablono:Documentation Added a div with style="clear: both;" to the bottom of the green box, so (right) floating boxes in the /doc doesn't flow outside the green box.
1 sep. 2008
- 00:4100:41, 1 sep. 2008 malsamoj historio +1 309 Ŝablono:Documentation Added a noinclude area with the "{{pp-template|small=yes}}".
14 mar. 2008
- 17:1717:17, 14 mar. 2008 malsamoj historio −58 Ŝablono:Documentation Moved {{pp-semi-template|small=yes}} and {{intricate template}} to the doc subpage instead, since they are not part of the template code and it looks better too.